Deep Green Resistance Chapters

Deep Green Resistance is an international organization with chapters throughout the world. The foundation of any effective resistance movement is community, so DGR chapters organize around local and regional struggles. Chapters organize to resist environmental destruction and social injustice, work to build cooperative, equitable and sustainable local communities, and normalize legitimate militancy and a culture of resistance.
Local chapters function within the larger international organization. Chapters are wholly autonomous provided they abide by the DGR Statement of Principles and Code of Conduct. Each group decides its own organizational structure, decision making process, and priorities for taking action. Chapters should become familiar with their land base and local communities and should always function in the best interest of the land and those who wish to live sustainably with it. In addition, Deep Green Resistance wants to see all social domination, built on stolen wealth, white privilege, misogyny, and human supremacy ended. Therefore it is crucial for DGR to be aligned with and have critical roles taken up by members of oppressed groups.
Find a local chapter, or visit the Deep Green Resistance Blog to read news about chapter activities.