The Green Flame : Episode 1 Excerpt, Saba Malik on Self-Defense and War This excerpt from the first episode of "The Green Flame Podcast" is a snippet of our interview with Saba Malik.... Continue reading

You Are Powerful, We Are Dangerous By an anonymous DGR supporter “Know thy self, know thy enemy. A thousand battles, a thousand victories.” -Sun Tzu in the Art of... Continue reading

Discipline By Jennifer Murnan and Max Wilbert “We are the ones who have to say – in words, in actions, in social policy,... Continue reading

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The Deep Green Resistance News Service is an educational wing of the DGR movement, dedicated to broadcasting news related to our current ecological and social predicament, and working to encourage strategic resistance against the forces underlying it.

  • Editor’s note: It’s a coast – not a beach, we forget that when our society talks about going to the beach. A beach is for basking in the sun, getting a drink, and dabbling in the water. But a coast is far more than an entertainment place for humans, it’s a habitat for a variety...

  • By Julia Conley Jun 26, 2024, for Common Dreams. “The geoengineering approach puts Earth’s systems at risk in a faulty and false bid toward solving the climate crisis. It is what we call a false solution,” said one campaigner. Biodiversity advocates on Wednesday called on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to reject a new geoengineering...

  • Editor’s note: Sharks are beautiful, intelligent creatures, but they have been overexploited for decades. Because of their “high market value” industrial fisheries hunt sharks for their fins and other body parts. But it’s difficult to control the protection of the sea predators when they move to unprotected zones or international and local fleets fish in...

  • Editor’s note: The author asks if that is a good thing. The short answer is no. For the same reason, agriculture is bad for the land, aquaculture is bad for the ocean. It is because humans have overcaught wild fish and depleted their numbers that people have more and more gone to aquaculture. There are...

  • Editor’s note: When we engage in any form of activism, building leadership capacity helps people become more confident and proactive. It means the leader of the group doesn’t have to be responsible for every task and can delegate other important tasks to members. In this case, the author talks about climate change, we at DGR...

  • by Mike DiGirolamo, Rachel Donald on Mongabay 11 June 2024   Burning wood to generate electricity — “biomass energy” — is increasingly being pursued as a renewable replacement for burning coal in nations like the U.K., Japan, and South Korea — even though its emissions aren’t carbon neutral in practice. On this episode of the...

  • Editor’s note: While renewable energies won’t save the climate and need to be fought against, it’s as neccessary to keep on fighting against fossil fuels. Because the oil and gas industries will continue with their business as usual – even if they promote an energy transistion from fossil to renewables. This is a lie, all...

  • by Basten Gokkon on Mongabay 14 May 2024 A new study concludes that chimpanzees displaying a range of ailments seek out plants with known medicinal properties to treat those ailments. The finding is important because it’s a rare instance where a species is shown to consume a plant as medicine rather than as part of...

  • Editor’s note: A pandemic in our backyards – The squirrel walked a bit wobbly, it wasn’t as agile and funny as these small creatures often move. It had its eyes rather closed which gave it a tired look. I was concerned and called a squirrel rescue station, luckily there was one closer to me. The...

  • by Riza Salman on Mongabay 11 June 2024 During the COVID-19 pandemic, a young documentary filmmaker began quietly joining a growing number of Facebook community groups run by traders of rare Indonesian birds. Over the following two years, a reporting team from several news organizations uncovered a wide network of actors offering species for sale...

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