Volunteer for Deep Green Resistance

We need your help, whatever your skills and interests! You can Take Action with some independent steps, or join with us to leverage your efforts with an organized group.

If you're not ready to Join DGR as a full member, you can still volunteer in many ways. Fill out the form below, sign up for our newsletter to be notified of new opportunities, or email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Note: Please add This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to your address book. Check your Spam folder if you don't hear back from us within three days.

Volunteer Form

Contact Information


Choose as many skills or resources as apply in each category:

Any other skills you have, or information you feel we should know about you?
Are you willing to volunteer?
How may hours per week can you realistically volunteer for DGR work? Enter a number, such as 10 or 2.5:


Add any notes describing resources you can offer:

How Did You First Learn of DGR?

If you remember: the event, video, website, etc that led you to DGR:

Volunteer Roles

Optional: select any specific roles with which you want to help.

Role Priority Priority Sort Hours per week Description & Website(s)
Role Priority Priority Sort Hours per week Description & Website(s)
Legal ResearcherMedium20
Research and communicate what DGR members in different countries need to know about what they can and can't do legally. Ideal for someone with some legal or research background, and could involve independent research plus consulting with lawyers.
Resistance Profiles writerLow11
Research historical and contemporary resistance groups, and write brief profiles summarizing their goals, strategy, tactics, security, recruitment, and effectiveness.
News Service & Blog writerMedium21
The DGR News Service and the DGR Blog welcome submissions for consideration for publishing. We especially want more stories from women, people of color, and members of other oppressed classes. We can provide a list of ideas for subjects.
Are you bilingual? We need fluent speakers of non-English languages to help translate the main website, video subtitles, and miscellaneous DGR material.
Meme image creatorMedium20.5
Volunteers in this role create social media outreach images, matching inspiring or educational quotes to an appropriate image. Goal is to promote DGR website pages, DGR stances/strategy or other DGR related links/quotes/text.

As much as possible, include the website link (www.deepgreenresistance.org) in small font on every meme. Focus on topics found on the DGR website. Volunteers are asked to create approximately one meme every week.

UAC Underground Action Calendar researcherHigh31
No need to sign up for this role. Just search for already published news stories of underground actions against infrastructure and email them to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Host DGR speakerMedium20
Organize an event for a DGR representative to speak. Involves coordinating with DGR to find an available speaker, arrange a date and venue, organize the event, fundraise for the speaker's travel expenses, etc.
FaLang translation system by Faboba
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Join those of us who cannot be on the front lines in supporting the struggle for life and justice. With your help, we will make this dream a reality.


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“So many objections may be made to everything, that nothing can overcome them but the necessity of doing something.” ―Samuel Butler