Support the Rights of Nature Movement

Deep Green Resistance (DGR) members recently filed a first-in-the-nation lawsuit - Colorado River v. Colorado - in the United States District Court, District of Colorado. The case seeks personhood for the Colorado River along with the river's rights to exist, flourish, regenerate, and naturally evolve. The Colorado River is listed as the only plaintiff, so it can be said that the Colorado River is literally suing for her rights. In doing so, DGR hopes to catalyze a serious Rights of Nature movement aimed at changing the legal system's treatment of nature as property to be bought, sold, disposed of, and destroyed.

DGR stirred a national conversation as mass media platforms like the New York Times featured stories about the lawsuit. To carry the Rights of Nature momentum forward and to access the tools we need to effectively represent the Colorado River, DGR seeks financial support. Denver-based attorney, Jason Flores-Williams, is representing, pro-bono, the five DGR members volunteering as "next friends" to the Colorado River. In American law, the Colorado River is not considered "legally competent," so the next friends represent the river's interests in court.

The money raised here will help DGR advance the Rights of Nature. Specifically, your donation will cover court filing fees, enable DGR members to travel to court in support of the lawsuit, facilitate DGR's media efforts to bring awareness of the Colorado River's needs, and to train others to carry the Rights of Nature movement forward.

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