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Browse the Deep Green Resistance reading list for hundreds more book recommendations (start by clicking "Your library" and looking at "Core books" and at "Introductory books").

Derrick Jensen, Lierre Keith, and Aric McBay
The book that inspired this organization, this is crucial reading for anyone who has accepted that civilization is destroying the planet, but hasn't known how to respond. Deep Green Resistance is a plan of action for anyone determined to fight for this planet – and win.
Derrick Jensen
A foundational two-volume work that gives readers a crash course in critique of civilization. This is an excellent and (relatively) succinct summary of what's wrong with this culture and why.
The Myth of the Machine
Lewis Mumford
In writing as elegant as it is clear, Mumford makes plain the death urge that has always underlain civilization. This is a social structure organized not around any organic human needs, but around the “needs” of the machines that have come to characterize and control our lives.
Lierre Keith
Thoroughly examines the destruction caused by agriculture, the basis of civilization. Explains why vegetarianism won't save us, and the need for perennial polycultures to heal landbases and the humans who live with them.
Life and Death
Andrea Dworkin
A collection of the most incisive essays and unpublished speeches of this famed feminist author. This gathering of impassioned, compelling articles and speeches shows that the epidemic of rape, wife-beating, murder of females, pornography and prostitution is made possible by cultures that allow men to exercise destructive power over women.
Gyn/Ecology: The Metaethics of Radical Feminism
Mary Daly
Focuses on the practices that perpetuate the "religion" of patriarchy. "In this deeply original, provocative book, outrage, hilarity, grief, profanity, lyricism and moral daring join in bursting the accustomed bounds even of feminist discourse." —The New York Times Book Review
Columbus and Other Cannibals: The Wetiko Disease of Exploitation, Imperialism, and Terrorism
Jack Forbes
This book is an extraordinary indictment of the dominant culture, an indigenous perspective on the violence and destruction carried out by the civilized. It explains the wetiko disease, a spiritual illness with a physical vector, as a frighteningly contagious urge for exploitation and consumption.
For Indigenous Eyes Only: A Decolonization Handbook
edited by Michael Yellow Bird and Waziyatawin
This collection demystifies the language of colonization and decolonization and helps Indigenous communities identify useful concepts, terms, and intellectual frameworks in their struggles toward liberation and self-determination.


Follow the Deep Green Resistance News Service, the Deep Green Resistance Blog, and the Deep Green Resistance Facebook Page for the latest in news about resistance.

Derrick Jensen
"The most common words I hear spoken by any environmentalists anywhere are, We're fucked."
Derrick Jensen
Why personal change does not equal political change.
Alex Budd
Explores nine considerations for resisting strategically: Objective; Offensive; Mass; Economy of Force; Manoeuvre; Unity of Command; Security; Surprise; and Simplicity. Part of the Time Is Short article series.
Jo Freeman
Debunks the idea of leaderless movements, explaining that in the absence of explicit structures, a group develops implicit power dynamics. Demonstrates the value of clearly defining an organization's structure, leadership, and criteria of participation.
Michael Schwalbe
Explains the basics of Marxist, economic class struggle and analysis.
Marilyn Frye
Explores the intersection of feminism with white supremacy and with economic class.


Excellent articles and podcasts on a wide range of feminists issues.
CELDF uses radical tactics in the realm of law, working with communities to establish Community Rights – such that communities are empowered to protect the health, safety, and welfare of their residents and the natural environment, to and establish environmental and economic sustainability.
Black radical anti-colonial analysis with a big push for black community self-sufficiency in preparation for collapse.
Reports and news detailing systemic racism in the US, and organizing communities for self defense and undoing racism.
News of and ways to support indigenous peoples around the world, most of them at risk of extermination and on the front lines of environmental defense.


See dozens more recommended films at Deep Green Resistance IMDB

Offers a powerful visual introduction to some of Endgame's premises and arguments, on which it is based. The movie simultaneously presents some of the worst atrocities of civilization and argues for the necessity of fighting back. View online.
The Coconut Revolution
Exciting and inspiring documentary of the land-based Bougainville Revolutionary Army, which fought off Rio Tinto mining company and the Papua New Guinea army. View online.
A middle-class white guy comes to grips with Peak Oil, Climate Change, Mass Extinction, Population Overshoot and the demise of the American lifestyle. This documentary provides an excellent analysis of the interlocking problems fostered by civilization while undermining its stability. View online.
The Legend of Bhagat Singh
Historical biography of the Indian freedom fighter. Singh carried out direct violent attacks, making negotiation with Gandhi attractive to those in power. Provides important insights into the role of an underground alongside aboveground resistance.
Fun and inspiring documentary of aboveground UK activists taking direct action. Shows some useful tactics for on-the-ground confrontations, and inadvertently demonstrates the need to follow a larger, organized strategy. Pay attention to the effectiveness, or lack thereof, of going up against the state in ways it expects and for which it has prepared. View online.
Escape From Sobibor
Dramatic reenactment of historical escape from the Sobibor Nazi concentration camp. A gripping story, and inspiring example of resistance against long odds resulting in survival of some rather than certain death for all. Direct action at its best. View online.
Kanehsatake: 270 Years of Resistance
Documentary showing the armed standoff between the Mohawks vs the Quebec police and Canadian army. Gripping and very moving, and a good example of an intergenerational culture of resistance. View online.
An examination of pornography and its impacts on personal and cultural relationships and norms. The film paints both a nuanced and complex portrait of how pleasure and pain, commerce and power, and liberty and responsibility are intertwined in the most intimate aspects of human relations. View full preview online


Explore the Deep Green Resistance Youtube Channel for dozens more interesting and informative videos.

Endgame by Derrick Jensen
Classic talk based on Jensen's Endgame book. Explores anti-civ theory and the need to resist.
Neoliberalism and the Defanging of Feminism by Gail Dines
Explores how mainstream feminism has lost its way by fighting for the individual rights of a small group of elite white women instead of the collective liberation of all women. Dines argues that much of what passes for feminism today is focused on the pseudo-empowerment offered to women who conform to the narrow standards of femininity set by the porn culture.
Porn Culture by Gail Dines
A presentation at the Nova Scotia Women's Summit on porn culture and it's effect on our society and on violence against women.
Earth At Risk by Lierre Keith
Presentation from 2011 Earth At Risk conference. You can purchase 4-DVD set of the entire conference.
American Holocaust by Joanelle Romero
A powerful and hard-hitting documentary revealing the link between the Nazi holocaust and the American Holocaust which claimed, according to conservative estimates, 19 million Indigenous People. Reveals how Hitler studied Americas Indian policy and used it as a model for what he termed the final solution.
America's Native Prisoners of War by Aaron Huey
Heartbreaking slideshow presentation of original photos documenting the poverty and oppression experienced by the Lakota, dwelling in the prisoner of war reservation of Pine Ridge. Clearly presents the string of broken treaties and massacres leading to enrichment of settler culture at the direct expense of the original inhabitants of the land. Crucial US history not taught in schools.
Speech by Bobby Seale
Inspiring speech by this former President of the Black Panther Party. Seale makes clear the relationship between the oppression of blacks and the oppression of the earth, and the need to resist against both.
White Reparations to African People by Penny Hess
The Chairwoman of the African People's Solidarity Committee explains the moral necessity of the first step in reparations: recognizing that white wealth and a prosperous way of life are built on the stolen labor of Africans.


Derrick Jensen
Thoughtful and in-depth interviews with activists, authors, ecologists, and journalists. Jensen and his guests explore problems of civilization and effective solutions, in conversations centered around species and landbases, ecocide, indigenous struggles, patriarchy, and more.
FaLang translation system by Faboba



"The Jews who participated in the Warsaw ghetto uprising had a much higher rate of survival than those who went along."
-Derrick Jensen

DGR Strategy