The Green Flame : Episode 1 Excerpt, Saba Malik on Self-Defense and War This excerpt from the first episode of "The Green Flame Podcast" is a snippet of our interview with Saba Malik.... Continue reading
You Are Powerful, We Are Dangerous By an anonymous DGR supporter “Know thy self, know thy enemy. A thousand battles, a thousand victories.” -Sun Tzu in the Art of... Continue reading
Discipline By Jennifer Murnan and Max Wilbert “We are the ones who have to say – in words, in actions, in social policy,... Continue reading
The Deep Green Resistance News Service is an educational wing of the DGR movement, dedicated to broadcasting news related to our current ecological and social predicament, and working to encourage strategic resistance against the forces underlying it.
Battery Storage Systems Are a Fire Hazard
By Katie Singer On Friday, August 30, Applied Energy Services Corporation (AES), a global utility and power generation company, submitted a proposal to Santa Fe, New Mexico county commissioners to build a 700-acre solar facility with a battery energy storage system (BESS). On September 5th, a thermal runaway fire started at the AES-built SDG&E (San...
We’re Protecting the Ocean Wrong
Editor’s note: Protecting the ocean means life protection, our ecosystems depend on intact and clean oceans. Even though the aim is to protect 30% of the planet, it’s not clear what conservation actually means worldwide. That leads to ineffective conservation measures and demands more knowledge about oceanic ecosystems and also implementing it. For the most...
7 Steps to What a Real Renewable Energy Transition Looks Like
Editor’s note: We know what needs to be done but will it be done? No, the system will not allow it so the system must go. The sooner the better. Join a social movement advocating for a real energy transition, one that strives to guarantee that civilization will not emerge from this century. By Richard Heinberg...
Dark Oxygen Discovered In the Deep Sea
Editor’s note: Although Greenpeace has done many good things in the past, particularly their work that led to an international ban on whale hunting, it is astounding that they currently support offshore wind. Nick Young 26 July 2024 / Greenpeace Scientists have found a source of ‘dark oxygen’ 4,000 meters below the surface...
Building Environmental Activism In the Next Generation
Editor’s note: Environmental activism will only play a role in the lives of young people if adults are great role models and walk the talk. As custodians, we need to take the young out into nature to help them gain an appreciation for wilderness. So that they will want to protect the earth in the...
DGR Annual Conference: Live Stream and Zoom
Hello! Brandi from Deep Green Resistance here. We here at DGR would love to invite you to our upcoming online conference opportunities. They’re all about our annual conference which is fast approaching. The dates of the conference are Friday, August 23rd (afternoon) until Monday, August 26th (morning). We’ll be doing three livestreams. They are...
In Ukraine, Saving Wildlife Harmed by War
Editor’s note: Mass media news about war raises concerns about death, injury, and refuge of humans, the war on nature is rarely highlighted. But warfare always means ecocide on a large scale and wildlife and nature often take more time to recover than it is capable of. In Ukraine, 80% of wildlife is already on...
What’s the Point?
Editor’s note: Just substitute the word civilization for the word modernity. By Tom Murphy – using physics and estimation to assess energy, growth, options / Do the Math Having developed a perspective that modernity is fated to fail, and that many of our culture’s current pursuits and institutions are misguided efforts to prop up temporary...
France: Thousands Protest ‘Mega-basin’ Reservoir Expansion
By Gabriel Fonten / Freedom July 23 Struggle against hoarding of reservoir water by agro-industry sees five days of action, culminating in a 10,000-strong march on the commercial port of La Rochelle The French environmentalist movement Soulevements de la Terre (Uprisings of the Land) is carrying on its campaign against mishandling of water resources. This phase...
Brazil’s Carvalho To Lead Seabed-Mining Authority
Editor’s note: Changing the face of a globalist, imperialist organization whose mandate is the equitable exploitation of “the common heritage of mankind” will not stop deep sea mining. We will need to stop the first attempt at enclosure and destruction of the sea floor, by any means necessary. Delegitimize, discredit and scuttle this operation. If...