The Green Flame : Episode 1 Excerpt, Saba Malik on Self-Defense and War This excerpt from the first episode of "The Green Flame Podcast" is a snippet of our interview with Saba Malik.... Continue reading

You Are Powerful, We Are Dangerous By an anonymous DGR supporter “Know thy self, know thy enemy. A thousand battles, a thousand victories.” -Sun Tzu in the Art of... Continue reading

Discipline By Jennifer Murnan and Max Wilbert “We are the ones who have to say – in words, in actions, in social policy,... Continue reading

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The Deep Green Resistance News Service is an educational wing of the DGR movement, dedicated to broadcasting news related to our current ecological and social predicament, and working to encourage strategic resistance against the forces underlying it.

  • By Christopher Ketcham / COUNTERPUNCH A crowd of 3,000 anti-tourism protesters descended on posh downtown Barcelona last July, their demeanor one of delighted malice.  They cordoned off hotels and eateries with hazard tape, as if demarcating a crime scene. They sprayed with water guns the blithe holidaymakers seated in restaurants.  Video footage showed unhappy couples...

  • Editor’s note: DGR does not support the renewable energy transition aspect of such a treaty. By Alexandria Shaner September 11, 2024 / Waging Nonviolence An unprecedented alliance of climate groups is targeting airports on three continents to demand a binding treaty to end fossil fuels by 2030.   A new international coalition is disrupting airports...

  • By Prof Jem Bendell / thoughts on collapse readiness and recovery Self-deception is rife within the environmental profession and movement. Some denial or disavowal is not surprising, due to how upsetting it is to focus on an unfolding tragedy. But our vulnerability to self-deception has been hijacked by the self interests of the rich and...

  • Editor’s note: This article is an update from a year ago. Trying to fix the climate change planetary boundary at the expense of biodiversity or any of the other planetary boundaries is a fool’s errand. This article does not state the fact that it only takes one planetary boundary to collapse to cause a massive...

  • Editor’s note: Climate change is a symptom predicament of overshoot and is exploited by power elites to deflect from what is necessary, ending modern civilization. The slow death of nature started with civilization, it has exponentially sped up since the 1700s. The reason there are no more natural disasters is because they are all now...

  • Editor’s note: This article does not mention the subsidies going to “renewable” energy, which is in the trillions, and its environmentally harmful implementation. Also not mentioned are the costs associated with the loss of livelihood for those humans affected by these unsustainable “developments”, not to mention the harm done to more than human species. By...

  • By Olivia Rosane, staff writer for Common Dreams. Almost 200 people were killed in 2023 for attempting to protect their lands and communities from ecological devastation, Global Witness revealed Tuesday. This raises the total number of environmental defenders killed between 2012—when Global Witness began publishing its annual reports—and 2023 to 2,106. “As the climate crisis...

  • By Max Radwin 29 JUL 2024 / Mongabay Indigenous communities on Nicaragua’s northern Caribbean coast continue to suffer threats, kidnappings, torture and unlawful arrests while defending communal territory from illegal settlements and mining. Residents say they’re worried about losing ancestral land as well as traditional farming, hunting and fishing practices as the forest is cleared...

  • By Katie Singer On Friday, August 30, Applied Energy Services Corporation (AES), a global utility and power generation company, submitted a proposal to Santa Fe, New Mexico county commissioners to build a 700-acre solar facility with a battery energy storage system (BESS). On September 5th, a thermal runaway fire started at the AES-built SDG&E (San...

  • Editor’s note: Protecting the ocean means life protection, our ecosystems depend on intact and clean oceans. Even though the aim is to protect 30% of the planet, it’s not clear what conservation actually means worldwide. That leads to ineffective conservation measures and demands more knowledge about oceanic ecosystems and also implementing it. For the most...

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